Language: English

Regarding the client-centred practice and holistic approach, OT empowered a client to drive with one...
OT help clients participate in their daily occupations by providing occupation-based intervention. Children's occupations enable...
Meaningful Occupations like playing video games has potential to support various aspects of health and...
This how my occupation of caring for my dog is meaningful to me!...
Working out is a meaningful occupation which promotes both mental and physical health....
Engaging in a puzzle allows for focused concentration, encouraging mindfulness and a deeper connection to...
Good day everyone my name is Flora Kambinda. A first year Occupational Therapist student at...
Hallo my name is Eliaser Ndamonohenda and I’ll be doing my meaningful occupation and I...
Hello, I'm Muzeu Kotjinyo, a first year student at the university of Namibia studying occupation...
This narrative is of an occupation i find meaningful and really enjoyable....