WFOT has suspended submissions to the Occupational Narratives Database from January 2025. The videos in the Database will remain accessible but the submission closure will allow our project volunteers to focus on researching the rich qualitative data regarding occupation that is contained within the narratives.

Welcome to the Occupational Narratives Database

The Occupational Narratives Database is a collection of digital stories from people of all ages and ability around the world. The digital stories highlight the rich and diverse occupations that give meaning to people’s lives. Through the stories, people are able to share their occupation and what it means to them in their daily lives. Conversely, people may also describe an occupation they are unable to participate and the impacts that has on their health and wellbeing. As occupation is the primary domain of occupational therapists, the digital stories also illustrate the value of what the occupational therapy profession offers to people globally in enabling occupational participation and social inclusion.

Watch our introductory video to learn more about the Occupational Narratives Database.

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