Dança Gaúcha, Tradição e Pandemia

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Relato de uma atividade muito importante pra mim, que atravessa gerações na minha família, e eu quis compartilhar um pouco disso com vocês e trazer o que mudou com a pandemia.

Hi! My name is Yasmin and I’m a student of Occupational Therapy at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel). I’m recording directly from Pelotas in the south of Brazil. And I came to talk about my dance and how much it means to me. Me and my family, we attend a Center for Traditions in Rio Grande do Sul. I’ve been dancing since I was 10 years old and it’s a family kind of tradition that was passed on to me as a child. It works like that, we have here a large traditionalist movement, and affiliated to this movement we have many Traditions Centers around the state. From this, events are elaborated, competitions that encompass not only dance but other categories such as singing and others that are more typical of our culture. Because of all this, I was able to visit many cities and make friends all over the state, get to know new accents, and show my dance alongside people who have become very important to me. Dance has always allowed me to remember the past, but mostly it has allowed me to tell stories that have never been heard, and to fight for justice and innovation to conservative customs. Unfortunately, with the pandemic, all activities were stopped, not only the dance groups had to stop, but also everything that involved them. The coexistence, the conversation circles with the “chimarrão”, our typical drink, and only after two years, now almost at the end of 2021, is there a small possibility that we will return. That’s it! Finally, if I could give you some advice: if you like this activity, dance! Dance to relax, to express yourself, dance your way, and to your rhythm, dance for you. Never be ashamed to dance. Kisses and thank you!

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Video: Dança Gaúcha, Tradição e Pandemia
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