Setting: Home

Good day! We are both First year B Occupational Therapy students. As part of the course,...
Mujer de la República Dominicana que llega a España con 13 años. Al llegar se...
After a year living in Germany, I learned that the occupation of bed making can...
I enjoy the occupation of gardening because it brings good childhood memories, daily reflections and...
Hello! My name is Kaylin Buck and I am located in New Orleans, Louisiana. The...
This video was produced to introduce plant propagation to individuals who enjoy plant maintenance and...
Trying to find time to exercise in my busy life.
Music is known to have profound benefits. Creating a playlist and incorporating music daily can...
This is a short video about my experience with baking sourdough. I am filming in...
Journaling can be used as a great coping mechanism to help with stress or simply...