Role of Academic Fieldwork Coordinator


I have over 35 years of experience as an OT and would describe myself as a passionate person and am specifically passionate about OT. I joined the Temple OT faculty in May 2020. I have been an AFWC since 2011. My video explains my who, what, where, when, & why I am passionate about my occupation of work, as an Academic Fieldwork Coordinator.

• Hello! My name is Jeanne Coviello and I have been an occupational therapist for over 35 years. • My primary practice area, when working in the clinic was with adult clients in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and in skilled nursing/sub-acute environments. Now I work in Academia. I’m here to talk to you today about my occupation of work, which is in the role of an academic fieldwork coordinator and assistant professor of instruction in occupational therapy at Temple University, which is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the United States. • I do this job typically Monday through Friday. During normal business hours, however, at times the job does require me to work on weekends and evenings in order to support students who may be out on their full time clinical during business hours and may need support during after-hours or on the weekends. • Why I do it is because I really enjoy being the bridge between clinical practice and academia, and although I am responsible for student instruction, I get a chance to visit and liaison with multiple occupational therapy practitioners across all different practice settings, and the position has enabled me to learn a little about a lot of different OT practitioner practice settings, and how practice has evolved over the years. I’ve been in the position now, as an academic fieldwork coordinator for over 12 years. So I really do enjoy it. And my “why” I do it, is because I see this as my legacy, an opportunity to prepare mentor, educate fieldwork educators as well as students. In a profession that I love so much, and it prepares the students to become practitioners of the future. • Thank you!

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