Occupational Type: Everyday activity or occupation

Ivandro muestra cómo realiza una de sus actividades significativas que es la vida en el...
This project was made by 3 students of the university of western macedonia, under the...
In the video it is depicted a traditional Greek restaurant that is located at the...
Hello we are a team from the occupetional therapy department of the University of Western...
This video was made by students of the Occupational Therapy Department of University of Western...
Έργο μαγειρικής, παρασκευη μπισκοτων με πορτοκάλι
Ανάλυση διαδικασίας του τομέα του αθλητισμού, συγκεκριμένα τον στίβο...
Making a traditional Greek pumpkin pie and the meaning it has for an elderly person...
V posnetku je opisana in prikazana okupacija Patrika, igranje kitare. Patrik pove zakaj je to...
Karmen describes horseback riding as her meaningful and fulfilling occupation....