Música e cotidiano

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Relato sobre a importância da música no meu dia a dia, e como com a pandemia foi transformado alguns jeitos de consumir a música.

Hi! My name is Rafaela Miranda, I’m 21 years old and I’m an Occupational Therapy student at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel). Today I came to talk about a significant activity to me, which is: listening to music. Since I was little, music has always been very present in my life. I’ve already taken guitar, dance, singing lessons and I also love participating in musical events such as parties, concerts and festivals in general. With the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, my way of listening to music had to be adapted. The concerts that, until then, were live, turned into online lives and the festivals I love so much turn into playlists from apps like Spotify, for example. Despite this adaptation to quarantine living, music remained very present in my day-to-day, I believe that even more than it already was, and this certainly contributed a lot to me confronting this pandemic. Music makes me happy, it makes me excited, it can change my mood from one minute to the next and that’s why this activity is so important to me

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