Experience of doing sport as leisure activity


This video is filmed to tell story of my life experience when i am doing sport as my leisure activity

I am Joseph NSHIMIYIMANA, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST from Rwanda,. I would like to share with you my hobby during my leisure time. I do home workout exercise and jogging after work. I do work these exercises to be healthy physical and mentally. My daily work requires me to physically fit and strong enough since I used too much my back, legs and arms during therapy sessions. So this work makes me tired for the whole body and requires me to take care of my health. When I am working the home workout exercises or jogging, I feel my body relaxed, and mentally feel good and happy, just to forget a little bit all stresses of the day. Moreover this sport helped me to think, how our life is, on this world. Where there are ups and downs day to day. I though this, in the sense of perseverance, patience and optimism. During this sport takes much energy and time, I felt tired, thirsty, discrouged but I keep on, taking a rest little bit, sipping the water, and I feel motivated because it is helping me to be physical and mentally healthy, so these course of situation in the sport is like in our daily life where we meet obstacles, discouragement and hardship situation but we don’t have to give up, you cope with the situation, adapt and keep going till you achieve your goal. So doing sport helped me to keep working my daily job healthy but also motivating me to keep on my life despite of hardship time and challenging situations.

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