Country: Netherlands

This is a video about yoga as an occupation. I did the video for...
Hi, I'm Romy student Occupational Therapist. I'll show you how I'm fixing an wheelchair for...
In mijn filmpje is mijn zorg oppas kind te zien. Ze heeft een verstandelijke beperking....
I'm Marijne Schaap. In this video i am playing guitar and telling you how much...
In this video, I describe how doing top sport is meaningful for me and...
In this video you'll see a story about a occupation. The occupation is called playing...
In this video I'm showing you how I make a part of a song in...
Voor zelfreflectie en rust in mijn dagelijks leven, ga ik graag naar het water om...
Here in the Netherlands we like to make Oliebollen, a real traditional dutch treat. While...