Country: Netherlands

Cooking diner is a special occupation. It promotes creativity and relaxation and it also brings...
this is the occupational narrative by Lisa Hartgers. im a first year student of occupational...
Hello my name is Maarten Murre. And i study occupational therapy at the University of...
This video shows the occupation of urban gardening, the meaning of it for mother and...
My occupation in the video is travelling to school.
I dance with my daughter in my free time for her development....
En este vídeo, se cuenta el trayecto que debe realizar un alumno holandés para poder...
En este vídeo, se cuenta cuál es el trayecto que tiene que realizar un universitario...
Ik heb een video verhaal gemaakt over handballen in een onder 19 team en wat...
This is a video about yoga as an occupation. I did the video for...