Caring for my pets lessens my stress


In this video I talk about what it looks like to take care of my two pets and how they bring meaning to my life.

Hello everyone. My name is Sara Bembischew and I am a 20-year-old student at Saint Joseph’s University where I am in a 6-year program to get my doctorate in occupational therapy. This is my third and last year of undergrad school and I will start my first professional year in the upcoming summer. I was born and raised in northeast Philadelphia and I am in the house that I was brought home to as a baby. My favorite occupation is the IADL- taking care of my pets Daisy and Leo. Daisy is a 13-year-old golden retriever that I received as a birthday present for my 7th birthday. Since she is pretty old she does not get around as well as she used to, so she relies on me a lot of the time to help her. I bring her food, medicine and water over to her while she lays in her bed so that she can eat. She also can not walk up and down steps so we had a ramp built at our house so that she can continue to go outside. She sometimes has accidents in the house when shes in too much pain to go outside so I have to clean that up. Another important part of caring for my dog is making sure she is clean. She has very long hair and needs to be brushed every day, she sheds a lot. Her nails also get long and need to be trimmed. When she was younger we would take her to get groomed but now that she is old and less mobile we just do it at home.We bathe her outside with a hose and wash her fur with shampoo and conditioner. I also trim her fur so that its not too long. It takes a lot of work to keep her looking good. She loves to lay in the grass and people-watch. She is a very social dog and loves company. Her best friend is my nine year old orange cat Leo. Leo is a rescue and I found him on my steps outside in the freezing cold on christmas day, what a great christmas present. He had unfortunately been hit by a car and needed his leg operated on so we call him our three legged cat even though he has all four legs. Leo is full of energy and loves to cuddle. I give him fresh water every day as well as food. He also enjoys treats from time to time and he hangs out with my dog so much that he acts like one. He greets me at the door and tries to eat my food. He loves his toy mouse that he chases a nd he occasionally chases his tail. I have to clean his litter box every week so that he can keep going to the bathroom. The most important part of caring for my pets is the not so fun visit to the Vet. They both hate car rides even though they love the outside and people but is important for them to go to the dr just like us humans do. Taking care of my pets is meaningful to me because they provide me with a lot of happiness and comfort and I want them to be happy and healthy. I have loved animals ever since I was little and these two are my family. After a long day at school I can come home to my two furry and cuddly friends who keep me company. They make me feel better when I am down or having a bad day and they keep me on my toes. My pets have taught me to be patient and have brought meaning to my life. They keep me responsible and independent. They are loyal to me and protect me. Most of all my pets love me no matter what.

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