Helping people ( A little help with a little smile give a meaning to a Human’s life).

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Helping people. This is the occupation or the activity which occupied my time during my pandemic period. I believe "Be the reason someone believes in goodness of people".

Hello Everyone! This is Aleeshba Hakeem. I am second year student of Doctor of Occupational Therapy at Ziauddin Collage of Rehabilitation Sciences. Today I am gonna tell you about the occupation or the activity which is meaningful for me, which occupied my time during my pandemic period. So, If I talk about my self, I choose helping peoples. During covid time, I see many peoples are facing many other issues and one the biggest issue is financial problem and due to financial problem, they are facing food shortage. It is one of the most common issue in peoples. So, believe in spirituality, I choose this. And, We had started it at our home and we came up with this idea. Me, my family and my cousins helped me and we took some rashan and food for needy and unprivileged people. So, when we do this psychologically we feel relax and motivated and workplace spirituality include like this aspect as organizational value and meaningful work, etc. This is the occupation or the activity which is meaningful for me and occupied my time, during my pandemic period. Thank you!

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Video: Helping people ( A little help with a little smile give a meaning to a Human’s life).
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