Filming YouTube videos

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Hi. You can call me CC. I enjoy using YouTube where allows me to share my ideas with videos and interact with others at anytime and anywhere.
If you are interested in this topic, feel free to contact me.

My YouTube channel:

Hi, everyone. You can call me CC. I am now in Taiwan. I want to share with you that one of my occupation is to make videos related to stroke rehab and share them on my youtube channel. The place I often use is here, the corner in my room. What I need is a phone, of course, a phone holder and a laptop to edit the video, and actually the most important one is my passion. Why I so enjoy doing this is because i like to share my ideas, my experiences and spread my positive energy to stroke survivors and their caregivers. By the way, if you are interested in my YouTube channel, you can click the link down below and visit it. Goodbye. Have a nice day!

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