Country: Saudi Arabia

Expressing emotions and feelings through art, such as drawing and painting a picture using water...
Expressing emotions and feelings through making a bracelet or a necklace from beads with a...
Rival Abdulghani Fadul enjoys activities and occupations done with others. She is a senior student...
In line with the WFOT logo of this year’s World Occupational Therapy Day “Opportunity +...
April was chosen as Occupational Therapy Month in 1980 AD and since then, it has...
The International Wheelchair Day was first launched in 2008. It is celebrated every March 1...
April is OT Month! The month of April was chosen in 1980 AD to be...
Occupational therapy is a humanistic and a health specialty that aims to enhance a person’s...
Occupation is as essential to life as food and drink. Sick minds, souls, and bodies...
With the shift to working from home due to COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to provide...