Age Groups: Adult

Llevo 4 años y tres meses dando el pecho a mis dos hijos, muchas horas...
Hi. My name is Jamie and I’m a 5th semester student at Stark State College...
I will describe why and how I do diamond dot art as an 18 year...
In this video I share two occupations I attach high value to: HIKING and BEING...
My most important everyday activity is taking care of my cat....
Video submitted based off of class assignment. Video demonstrates the meaning of baking in my...
Working out is an everyday activity or occupation that can be done in numerous ways...
Hi, my name is Megan. I wanted to share why embroidery is one of my...
I am currently pursuing my associates degree to become an Occupational Therapy Assistant. The occupation...
Stylist hair is a meaningful occupation because it is my passion and career and makes...