Submit a video

Translate the upload form into your language. Please note that this will not translate your story.
Your details:

Yes, my full name can be published
Yes, please only publish my first name.
No, I would like to remain anonymous.

Your email address will only be used by the WFOT to contact you about your submission.
Your Digital Story: What is the age group of the subjects in your digital story?

What is the primary setting of the occupation described in your digital story?

What occupational type is shown in your digital story?

Please keep this short
Max. 500 characters
Where was your digital story filmed?
What language is spoken in your digital story?
Accepted video formats: mov, mp4, m4v, webm or wmv. Maximum file size: 2048MB. We recommend a file size between 50-200 MB; Please note that larger files may take up to 2 hours to upload depending on your internet connection. Please do not use music in your video because of copyright restrictions regarding the use of music.

Provide an optional transcription of the video.
If your video shows children (including your own) or vulnerable adults, you must upload a signed consent form. Yes, my video shows vulnerable adults or children.

Consent: I understand that my digital story is given freely and may be used by WFOT and third parties as part of an international project that will be hosted on an open access website for educational and research purposes. I also understand that the images captured in the video recordings and any intellectual property which arises from the recordings will be the copyright of WFOT. I have not named any individual or organisation without their consent in this digital story. I understand that I can have my digital story removed at any time without notice. I also read and understood the WFOT's Privacy & Cookie Policy.

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